Are you consistently landing interviews but struggling to secure job offers? Don’t let your hard work go to waste! This blog post provides practical tips to help you turn those interviews into job offers. From analysing your interview performance to tailoring your resume and cover letter, we’ll guide you through the process of acing your job search.
In this blog post, we delve into the career journeys of several Mastering It Tutors. From accounting to laboratory analysis, these educators share their experiences and offer valuable advice for aspiring professionals. Discover what factors influenced their career choices and gain insights into building a fulfilling path.
Resting is not always in the form of catching up on sleep. But you need to rest mentally and emotionally as well. Try and determine how these recharging moments can occur and try to incorporate them into your weekly routine. You will be surprised at the difference in 10 minute rest and recharge can do to the productivity of your day and your mental wellness!
Volunteering is a game-changer for South African students, offering a unique opportunity to develop essential life skills, build confidence and empathy, and enhance college applications. By getting involved in community service or extracurricular activities, you’ll set yourself up for success and create a brighter future for yourself and your community. Take the first step today and discover the power of volunteering!
Hey, are you pursuing your dreams? Reality and society will many times get in the way of our pursuit of our dreams. There is pressure of financial stability, living the “dream life” as portrayed by others and in the midst of it all, you have your own dreams screaming for some attention.
How then to find the balance between it all?
The HOW behind studying has such a big impact on your results! So make sure to apply these simple and efficient tips to bring about change and improve your study techniques.
“Choose a job you love, and you will never have to work a day in your life.” — Confucius. This is a quote many of us might have heard before. This is perhaps also an ideal we all are pursuing! But, then, how to get here? What is the steps and things to consider? Hope our few insights might be able to help!
“A dynamic initiative…” – Best description of Mastering It. Mastering It, a business that was started January 2020 to offer people a platform that empowers them to master their own Education, Life and Career