Preparing for exams is as much about our health as it is about studying. Studying with a tired, nutrient-deprived and stressed-out brain is like rowing against the current. Not only is it harder to concentrate, but you are also far more likely to forget information and struggle to think clearly when writing exams. While there are many different aspects to looking after your health, we decided to summarize our advice on how to best fuel your body and brain with food to help you study well and ace your exams!

Tax can be intimidating and confusing for many of us. We are often scared to make mistakes and do something incorrectly, so we avoid doing it at all! Tax doesn’t have to be something that we are apprehensive about though. By equipping yourself with the right knowledge and expert advice, you will be able to easily manage your finances and taxes with confidence!

Exam season: a source of stress and anxiety for students all around. But it doesn’t need to be so stressful, especially if you are already working hard and investing in your academics. Many students work incredibly hard and put every minute towards acing their exams, but finish exam season completely frazzled and burnt out — or worse, show up the exam completely frazzled and burnt out. Neither is a good or productive state to be in. Exam season is, essentially, about balance. So, how do we achieve this balance when our academics are our top priority? Keep reading to find out!

So you’ve gotten through the first round of the job application process and you’ve been invited to round two: The Interview! This joy is quickly replaced by nerves — possibly even panic. No matter how many interviews you’ve been to, each one is slightly different. We are eager to put our best foot forward, but are often unsure how exactly to do this.. Interview skills go far beyond putting on your best suit and disguising your weaknesses as secret strengths, it’s about being genuine. More than that, it’s about being genuinely impressive and a good fit.