Here is our third interview in our series of Career Interviews here at Mastering It! This week we spoke to Mignon van Zyl about her career as a teacher. We chatted about what it takes to work in the education industry and how Covid has affected the field.
Read on to find out more!
Here is our second in our series of Career Interviews here at Mastering It! This week we spoke to Rozanne Healing about her career as a Real Estate Agent. We chatted about what it takes to work in Real Estate as well as her tips for those wanting to enter the field. Read on to find out more!
Here is our first in a series of Career Interviews here at Mastering It! This week we spoke to Sian Patrick about her career in Psychology and Equine-Assisted Psychotherapy. We chatted about her career journey thus far and her tips for those wanting to enter the field. Go along and read more!
So you’ve gotten through the first round of the job application process and you’ve been invited to round two: The Interview! This joy is quickly replaced by nerves — possibly even panic. No matter how many interviews you’ve been to, each one is slightly different. We are eager to put our best foot forward, but are often unsure how exactly to do this.. Interview skills go far beyond putting on your best suit and disguising your weaknesses as secret strengths, it’s about being genuine. More than that, it’s about being genuinely impressive and a good fit.
Almost every professional opportunity starts with sending someone your CV. Whether it be for a job opportunity, a volunteer position or an academic programme, your CV is your opportunity to shine in the application process. With a few simple changes your CV will go from ‘almost in the dustbin’ to top of the pile!
“Choose a job you love, and you will never have to work a day in your life.” — Confucius. This is a quote many of us might have heard before. This is perhaps also an ideal we all are pursuing! But, then, how to get here? What is the steps and things to consider? Hope our few insights might be able to help!
Sport has become a given in our society. It was either available at school, an academy or private lessons at a different institution. But with Covid the loss of sport has been experienced in numerous ways.
“It’s been a time in our lives where online tutoring has become more applicable as a means for academics. How then does it impact our academics? And is there significant benefits to it?”
“A dynamic initiative…” – Best description of Mastering It. Mastering It, a business that was started January 2020 to offer people a platform that empowers them to master their own Education, Life and Career